This March 8th, we want to pay tribute to all those women who have believed in equality, who have seen in the future the possibility of improving the world for them and those who come.
Violence will never stop us, let's continue fighting together for them.
On April 19, 1967, KATHRINE SWITZER, forged the destiny of women runners in the United States and the rest of the world being the first woman to run the Boston Marathon.
Gender inequality today is a social and cultural phenomenon that impacts many countries more frequently.
In certain areas, in certain countries and cultures, gender inequality is more prominent than in others and, in general, potentially affects women in many ways.
Non-Violence is against gender inequality and we want to promote nonviolence, using peace, through one of the most important historical examples and events of our times.
On April 19, 1967, KATHRINE SWITZER, forged the destiny of women runners in the United States and the rest of the world being the first woman to run the Boston Marathon.