News & publications

May 23, 2024
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Welcome Greece and new Country Director Theodoros Bamparoutsis

Coming from a sporting family background, (his father being an Olympian and having been an athlete himself), Theo Bamparoutsis has grown up with the Olympic ideals and sportsmanship values that followed him throughout his life and professional career. Fair Play was an unconditional status that he has followed as an athlete and as a professional.

The Non-Violence Project movement was an inspirational trigger for Theo to activate his expertise in the field of Human Resources in mega events and channel it into something that can impact the youth through knowledge and empowerment of young individuals through a Non-Violent future!

Greece, in its ancient years, was applying the Olympic Truce for the period of the ancient Olympic Games, bringing everyone together to celebrate this major event and leaving behind their conflicts. In recent years, Greece has witnessed a rise in different forms of violence (bullying at schools and at workplaces, violence in sports, hate speech, domestic violence, gender based violence, racism, etc.).

As governments focus on short term solutions, Theo has identified that only long term initiatives can start bringing results starting from educating young people and building awareness to the society and it is through this that The Non-Violence Project is currently re-established in Greece bringing together its multi years expertise in violence prevention courses.

A warm welcome to Greece and Theodoros Bamparoutsis!

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The Non-Violence Project

The Non-Violence Project is a non-profit organization created in 1993 with the goal of preventing and reducing violence. The organization is headquartered in Switzerland and is active in many countries around the world. Its symbol, the Knotted Gun, is an international symbol of peace. 
To know more about the Foundation’s history click here

Our mission

Our mission is to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENGAGE people to solve conflicts without resorting to any form of violence. Through education and awareness, we measure the impact of our programs and we have a specific focus on youth as we believe in the power of young people as changemakers. 
To know more about the Foundation’s mission click here

How you can support

There are many ways to support our work ! We rely on the generosity of our donors but we also welcome projects’ sponsoring, fundraising events, partnerships of all kinds and much more. 
To find how you or your organization can support the Foundation’s activities around the world, please click here


The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Avenue Louis Casaï 18
1209 - Geneva
+41 79 310 79 90Contact us
Copyright © 1994 – 2025 The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Conception & development :
The Non-Violence Project is a NPO with special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).