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February 28, 2021
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NVPF and Rightbridge join forces on e-sport through knot ok initiative

RightBridge Ventures AB (“RBV”) and The Non-Violence Project Foundation (“NVPF”) join forces to make e-sport and gaming a safer place through the KNOT OK initiative

Sixty-eight percent of players have experienced severe harassment while playing games online, which includes physical threats, stalking and sustained harassment, while 81 percent of online multiplayer gamers have experienced some form of harassment, according to a survey released by ADL’s (the Anti-Defamation League) Centre for Technology and Society.

NVPF has worked for more than 27 years, in 30 countries, inspiring, motivating and engaging youth to understand how to solve conflicts peacefully.  NVPF has educated and training more than 9 million young people, students, teachers and sports coaches in topics such as conflict management, harassment, racism and bullying, often involving sports such as football or basket. Its famous Knotted Gun Symbol, placed outside the UN headquarters in New York and at 30 other strategic places around the world, is the most well-known symbol for Non-Violence.

“Gaming and E-sport is the next frontier! Some of the toxic behaviours that NVPF has encountered during the past 27 years groom under the anonymity that digital tools offer. NVPF sees the KNOT OK initiative against toxicity in esport and gaming as a natural progression to our work to empower young people. Leveraging RBV network and company assets in the esport and gaming industry, RBV is a key partner to develop KNOT OK and make it available to young people worldwide” says Claes Kalborg, head and global responsible for the initiative.

KNOT OK initiative intends to provide young people with references, tools and discussion spaces that empower them against toxic behaviours. The goal of the partnership is to empower young people, with special focus on female gamers and esport fans, to manage toxic behaviour in esport and gaming platforms.

“It is with great confidence that NVPF welcomes RightBridge Ventures to this important collaboration. Esport is a fantastic opportunity and platform for young people to meet online and with this partnership we can hopefully curb the increase in harassment, bullying and discrimination that today is seen in esports”. Jan Hellman, President and Co-founder NVPF

KNOT OK turns RBV into a company with a mission! We are proud to have KNOT OK as part of RBV investment portfolio. With KNOT OK, we invest in eliminating barriers to unlocking gamer’s full potential to go from ZERO to HERO.” Says Magnus Leppäniemi, RBV board member and seasoned esport executive.

“We are thrilled to contribute with our network, competence and portfolio companies to build, develop and distribute the work of NVPF and KNOT OK. Our portfolio companies (e.g. ESPL Nordics) should act as hosts, distribution channel and ambassadors to the KNOT OK initiative. In addition, KNOT OK opens up to new exciting investments opportunities such as AI toxicity analytics technologies to identify and ban toxic behaviours. RBV is the first esport impact investment company, and we hope that others follow” Says Carlos Barrios, RBV CEO.

The partnership between RBV and NVPF is part of RBV wider initiative oriented to serve as catalyst of the esport and gaming grassroot and start-up community. For that purpose, RBV invests in assets that act as catalyst, data generator and testbed for gamers and entrepreneurs to interact, show their gaming and business skills under the values of fair-play, innovation and non - toxicity.

About RightBridge Ventures

RightBridge Ventures is an investment company based in Stockholm (Sweden) dedicated to investing in companies that shape the future of esports and gaming as part of the digital entertainment industry. The intention of RBV board of directors is to present a motion for public listing of RBV during 2021. For more information visit or get updates by following us on Instagram and LinkedIn. Contact:

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The Non-Violence Project

The Non-Violence Project is a non-profit organization created in 1993 with the goal of preventing and reducing violence. The organization is headquartered in Switzerland and is active in many countries around the world. Its symbol, the Knotted Gun, is an international symbol of peace. 
To know more about the Foundation’s history click here

Our mission

Our mission is to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENGAGE people to solve conflicts without resorting to any form of violence. Through education and awareness, we measure the impact of our programs and we have a specific focus on youth as we believe in the power of young people as changemakers. 
To know more about the Foundation’s mission click here

How you can support

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The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Avenue Louis Casaï 18
1209 - Geneva
+41 79 310 79 90Contact us
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The Non-Violence Project is a NPO with special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).