News & publications

November 16, 2017
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NVP opening in India

We are proud to announce the official opening of NVP India with Country Director Birendra Kumar and his team.


India has always been a country we have looked forward to have representation in. It is the home of Ahimsa – meaning non-violence in sanskrit – and the home of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the worlds most respected advocates for non-voiolence and peace. With Country Director Birendra Kumar, NVP India will have a great opportunity to spread our philosophy of non-violence and our work for peace for youth. 29 trainers have been trained during the week and are now certified as trainers of our peace programs, designed for schools and sports clubs.

From 2020 to 2025 NVP India will adopt 100 Kasturba Gandhi Residential School around the country which will be converted into smart sustainable schools of "Peace School for Sustainability"

Starting from 2025 to 2030, NVP India will ensure that there is one Peace School in every state capital of India. 

NVP India has developed a sustainable model for a non-violent society. The “Peace Schools for Sustainability" focus on the 5Ps: People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity and Partnerships and work with children from Class 1 to 12.

Peace for the children will not be a noun but a verb. They will internalize peace through their curriculum in school. They will imbibe the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. They will speak and act non-violence. They will be peace makers, peace champions, peace leaders and peace mentors to each other.

Follow the launch of NVP India on Facebook Non-Violence Project India and Twitter.

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The Non-Violence Project

The Non-Violence Project is a non-profit organization created in 1993 with the goal of preventing and reducing violence. The organization is headquartered in Switzerland and is active in many countries around the world. Its symbol, the Knotted Gun, is an international symbol of peace. 
To know more about the Foundation’s history click here

Our mission

Our mission is to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENGAGE people to solve conflicts without resorting to any form of violence. Through education and awareness, we measure the impact of our programs and we have a specific focus on youth as we believe in the power of young people as changemakers. 
To know more about the Foundation’s mission click here

How you can support

There are many ways to support our work ! We rely on the generosity of our donors but we also welcome projects’ sponsoring, fundraising events, partnerships of all kinds and much more. 
To find how you or your organization can support the Foundation’s activities around the world, please click here


The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Avenue Louis Casaï 18
1209 - Geneva
+41 22 940 42 47Contact us
Copyright © 1994 – 2025 The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Conception & development :
The Non-Violence Project is a NPO with special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).