In March 2017, Non-Violence Denmark held a 4-hour conflict management workshop with 90 engaged student teachers and student pedagogues at the teacher training college UCC Campus Calsberg in Copenhagen. We know that the practice shock is high among the newly educated teachers specially in regards to deal with conflicts among the students and disagreements and misunderstandings between parents and the school. It's hard to find an identity as a teacher if you are faced with these challenges.
The overall feedback was that it was a very useful workshop with engaged trainers. The student teachers and student pedagogues got new perspectives, useful concepts and concrete exercises that they can use directly in their work with children/pupils in the future.
We spent two training days with a very engaged and intelligent group of young sports trainers in the residencial area Urban Planen in Copenhagen. They will teach Sports for Peace program to the kids in the area in conflict management, self-esteemand non-violent strategies.
In 2017 more than 450 teachers and pedagogue and 3000 students have been educated in the Schools for Peace program.
Herlev Byskole, Skovlunde Skole, and Amager Fælled Skole are three Danish schools that are actively involved in creating a better school culture by educating all the students ranging from preschool to 9th grade in the Schools for Peace program.
After completing the Schools for Peace program, 43.3% of the students in 4th-6th grade at Vestervangskolen have a better idea of how to respond more positively to a conflict.
After completing the Schools for Peace program, 60% of the students in the 7th-9th grade at Vestervangskolen have a better idea of how to respond more positively to a conflict.
After completing the Schools for Peace program, 76% of the students in 4th and 5th grade at Brøndby Strand School have a better idea of how to respond more positively to a conflict.