Shonosuke Okura 大倉 正之助 正之助 joined Non-Violence Project Japan in 2015. Shonosuke was born in the head family of Okura school of Noh Otsuzumi and Kotsuzumi. He is titled "The General Holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property Noh Otsuzumi Player" at Okura School. A school that has been in existence since the Muromachi period. Shonosuke has taken lessons from his father Chojuro Okura and grandfather Choemon Okura, and made his debut at the age of nine. (Face photo: Matt Turner)
He has performed with artists of many countries and has taken an active part in international cultural exchange. He has appeared in the media a lot such as commercials, documentaries and so on. He is continuing to transmit Japanese culture to the world.