News & publications

October 3, 2018
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Non-violence Day, United Nations, New York

This year marks 30 years since the Non Violence statue was placed outside the United Nations as a global symbol of hope and of peace.

This year also marks 25 years since the Non-Violence Project embarked on its mission of reducing and eradicating youth based violence.

Since it’s placement in New York we have placed our symbol in 30 Locations globally and we are proud to announce that this same day we launch our program in the Middle East with an unveiling of our 31st statue in Beirut.

One of the cornerstones of our organisations work is founded in the words of Ghandi which says that in order to reach lasting peace in the world we will need to start with the children.

Knowledge is power and by empowering young people we are creating a future generation that understands that the only resolution to conflict is through non violence.

Our purpose continues as we hope to create a network of Cities for Peace that like the UN has the Non Violence symbol at the heart of its community.

Late former Secretary General Kofi Annan said of the Non-Violence statue: "The sculpture Non-Violence has not only endowed the United Nations with a cherished work of art; it has enriched the consciousness of humanity with a powerful symbol that encapsulates, in a few simple curves, the greatest prayer of man; that which asks NOT for victory, but for peace.”

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The Non-Violence Project

The Non-Violence Project is a non-profit organization created in 1993 with the goal of preventing and reducing violence. The organization is headquartered in Switzerland and is active in many countries around the world. Its symbol, the Knotted Gun, is an international symbol of peace. 
To know more about the Foundation’s history click here

Our mission

Our mission is to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENGAGE people to solve conflicts without resorting to any form of violence. Through education and awareness, we measure the impact of our programs and we have a specific focus on youth as we believe in the power of young people as changemakers. 
To know more about the Foundation’s mission click here

How you can support

There are many ways to support our work ! We rely on the generosity of our donors but we also welcome projects’ sponsoring, fundraising events, partnerships of all kinds and much more. 
To find how you or your organization can support the Foundation’s activities around the world, please click here


The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Avenue Louis Casaï 18
1209 - Geneva
+41 79 310 79 90Contact us
Copyright © 1994 – 2025 The Non-Violence Project Foundation
Conception & development :
The Non-Violence Project is a NPO with special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).