Your support during 2018 has been of great importance to our global work to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENGAGE young people to learn how to solve conflicts peacefully.
The latest research shows that around 130 million young people, 13-15 years old, experience bullying*, which is why we are here to carry out our school and sport clubs programs to end violence globally.
*Source: Unicef Child_Protection_2017_Annual_Results_Report
While knowing we are up against a huge task, our organization managed to make some real progress in 2018.
Here is how: Thanks to your support we could offer the Schools for Peace programs to 91 700 students, including 6274 students in Uganda.
«I have learnt how to solve conflicts with my parents and friends peacefully. I am now a better listener and student at school. The Peace program has greatly changed my life.» Robert, student, Uganda
We started up our educational activities in India and we are proud to have educated our first 434 students. We plan to reach several thousands of students over the next two years. Our offices in Denmark and Sweden educated 2 550 students in our Schools for Peace program and will continue their activities to reach schools in 2019.
Dozens of teachers have been trained in Japan, and Mexico continues to develop activities nationwide.
And last but not the least, we recently started our collaboration with Academic University for Non Violence and Human Rights (AUNOHR) in Beirut. AUNOHR will start implementing our Sports for Peace programs in their curriculum in 2019.
We hope we can count on your support 2019, to continue our educational mission to create a more peaceful environment for the future generations.